Freight forwarders
As a maritime and transport law specialist, Smallegange lawyer has extensive experience with freight forwarders and the various legal problems freight forwarders face. These problems include the applicability of the general conditions (like the Dutch Forwarding Conditions), representation and authorization, (container) demurrage and customs. Moreover, uncertainties about the roles of the various parties under a freight forwarding contract lead to important questions about liabilities. Smallegange Lawyers assists and advises freight forwarders in all possible scenarios.
Smallegange Lawyers regularly assists shipyards with the various legal problems they encounter. We draft and advise about the use of contracts and general conditions. Moreover, we support shipyards in case of unpaid invoices, liability claims and conflicts about warranties. Lastly, we advise about the possibilities of exercising a possessory lien and insurance related issues.
As a maritime and transport law specialist, Smallegange Lawyers has extensive experience and knowledge on the subject of distribution. We are able to assist you in a wide variety of cases, for instance drafting or advising on contracts and general conditions.
Stevedores face many legal problems. Common examples are damage to the cargo or damage to the vessel. Smallegange Lawyers assists in these and many more cases.
Storage companies and transhipment
Storage companies and other companies active in the field of transhipment of goods are bound by various laws and regulations. Smallegange Lawyers has extensive experience with the risks storage companies face and is therefore able to advise on all related legal issues.
Ship brokers
Smallegange Lawyers has extensive experience with ship brokers. We advise our clients in a wide variety of cases. If necessary, we assist ship brokers in litigation and disputes.
Shipping companies
Shipping companies deal with many parties, including cargo interests, ship owners and stevedores. This variety also means shipping companies often face many different laws and regulations depending on the type of claim they are confronted with. Therefore, it’s essential to ensure a firm position by drafting clear and effective contracts. Smallegange Lawyers advises and assists shipping companies in these wide variety of cases.
Ship and bunker suppliers
Ship and bunker suppliers face many different legal issues, such as claims by other suppliers, unpaid invoices, a possessory lien or an alleged defect of a product. Smallegange Lawyers is ready to assist with any of these cases.
Shipbuilding and sales
With building and selling ships comes a wide variety of legal issues. For instance, problems could arise with regards to the text of the guarantee and the responsibilities of the involved parties. A shipyard could also be confronted with unpaid invoices or a client who claims the ship doesn’t comply with the agreement. Smallegange Lawyers advises on building contracts and contracts of sale. We also have extensive experience with standard contracts, such as the Norwegian Sales Form and the BIMCO contracts.